Website Maintenance Notification

On Monday, September 25, visitors to the CDHO website, Public Register, Self-Service Portal and the SMILE Portal will experience brief service interruptions as the CDHO moves to a new website and updates various systems. The work will begin at 5 p.m. EST and end at approximately 11 p.m. We expect the main website, Public Register and SMILE Portal to be down for approximately 15 minutes, and the Self-Service Portal to be down for approximately two…

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Help Pilot Test Peer Circles!

Over the last year, Registered Dental Hygienists (RDHs) have been participating in the development of peer circles as a new professional development opportunity for the profession. We began the development of peer circles in 2022 with Phase 1 when we brought together a group of 20 RDHs to begin drafting cases that will serve as the focus for the group discussions. Phase 2 of the Project Development consisted of a two-day workshop this past March to train the…

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COVID-19 Update and Revised IPAC Guidance

As a result of many factors, including increased immunity and high vaccination rates, the risk of COVID-19 has diminished. Effective July 19, 2023, the CDHO has combined its Revised IPAC Guidance: COVID-19 document and its IPAC Guidelines into one document. The CDHO worked closely with the three other Ontario Oral Health Profession regulators (Dentists, Denturists and Dental Technologists) to align these changes in IPAC guidance. The revised sections of the IPAC Guidelines are indicated in the document and…

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CDHO partners with Indspire to support Indigenous students

The CDHO is pleased to announce its partnership with Indspire, an Indigenous national charity, and their Building Brighter Futures: Bursaries, Scholarships and Awards Program to create The CDHO Bursary for Indigenous Students in Dental Hygiene Programs. The CDHO is committed to advancing reconciliation efforts and takes this responsibility seriously. Eliminating educational and employment gaps between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians is one of the 94 Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Through this partnership, the CDHO is supporting…

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The Path: Your Journey Through Indigenous Canada

Reminder to all Dental Hygienists: Each of you has free access to the NVision course, The Path: Your Journey Through Indigenous Canada. This course is a valuable opportunity to deepen your understanding of the history of the First Nations, Metis and Inuit in the land we now call Canada. Your participation in this course can count toward your QA requirements. Please take advantage of this informative opportunity that supports our collective reconciliation journey. Access the…

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Call for Item Writers ⁠– NDHCE

The Federation of Dental Hygiene Regulators of Canada (FDHRC) is recruiting Dental Hygiene subject matter experts (SMEs) to develop examination items for the National Dental Hygiene Certification Exam (NDHCE). Ideal item-writing candidates should have current knowledge of Canadian dental hygiene curriculum, various clinical settings, community health, and/or administrative settings. Selected item writers will attend an in-person training session to learn how to develop high-quality multiple-choice items using secure online item-writing software. The workshop will take place April…

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Peer Circle Development Project – We Need You!

The Peer Circle Project is being developed as a virtual peer-facilitated group discussion using hypothetical Dental Hygiene cases as the focus of the discussion. The Peer Circle Facilitator guides a group of 8-10 participants through the discussion of these cases that highlight challenging and relevant practice issues. Participants in Peer Circles from other Health Professions describe a very positive experience interacting with their peers in a setting that is designed to support the development of…

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