A healthy relationship between a client and an RDH includes elements of trust, respect, confidence, sensitivity and empathy. The presence of a power imbalance and variable client experiences of vulnerability also inform the relationship. With these factors at play, it is essential for RDHs to lead the way in establishing and maintaining a professional client/hygienist relationship with appropriate boundaries.
With the intimacy and vulnerability associated with Dental Hygiene treatment, a sense of familiarity may arise, leading to violation of professional boundaries.
For example, you may be treating a new client who is on their phone while you update their clinical notes. The client begins discussing details of their activity with dating apps. You recognize this as a violation of a professional boundary and that it is your responsibility to protect the professional relationship.
What are your options in this situation?
In this situation, the RDH can:
- Redirect the conversation back to one with a professional focus;
- Avoid disclosing or sharing any intimate personal information; and
- Document these types of interactions, if they occur repeatedly, or as necessary
Maintaining professional boundaries is challenging. Other things to consider:
- Avoid any comments that could be interpreted as suggestive.
- Avoid making any comments about your client that are not directly related to clinical care.
- Avoid raising or discussing any topics that may be controversial or could be interpreted as offensive.
- Never date a client.
Navigating the client/dental hygienist relationship can be tricky! Check out some of our resources on professional boundaries and sensitive practice, or feel free to get in touch with a Practice Advisor: