File a Complaint

When you visit a Registered Dental Hygienist, you have the right to safe, ethical and quality care. You also have the right to submit a complaint if you have concerns about the care or service you received.

The College of Dental Hygienists of Ontario is required by law to investigate concerns that a Registered Dental Hygienist has:

  • ignored the basic rules of practice;
  • failed to maintain the standards of practice;
  • provided inappropriate care;
  • sexually abused a client; or
  • a physical or mental condition or disorder that interferes with their ability to practise.

Please complete the online complaints form or send your complaint (written, audio taped, or video recorded) to:

Case Manager, Complaints and Investigations
c/o The College of Dental Hygienists of Ontario
175 Bloor Street East
North Tower, Suite 601
Toronto, Ontario  M4W 3R8

Although there is no time limit in which to make your complaint, it is best to contact the College as soon as possible. The more information you can provide, the easier it will be to look into your complaint. You should include:

  • name of the Registered Dental Hygienist involved (if known);
  • date and time the incident occurred;
  • where the incident occurred (e.g., name and address of the dental/dental hygiene practice);
  • your name, address and phone number;
  • all relevant details about the incident; and
  • names and contact information for anyone who can provide additional information about your concerns.

If you are having trouble putting your concerns in writing, contact the College for assistance:

Toll Free: 1 800-268-2346 ext. 237 or 240