CDHO’s role, authority and powers are set out in the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA), the Health Professions Procedural Code (Schedule 2 to the RHPA), and the Dental Hygiene Act, 1991. There are also specific regulations made under the Dental Hygiene Act. These include the:
- General Regulation (includes Contraindications, Examinations, Advertising, Records, Professional Misconduct and Quality Assurance)
- Designated Drugs Regulation (describes the conditions under which RDHs can prescribe, dispense or sell drugs)
- Funding for Therapy and Counselling Regulation (describes the details of CDHO’s Funding for Therapy and Counselling Program)
CDHO Bylaws
The Health Professions Procedural Code gives CDHO’s Council authority to make bylaws relating to CDHO’s administration and operations. View the Bylaws.