Registered Dental Hygienists can practise dental hygiene through a corporation. They must comply with the rules related to health professional corporations and obtain a Certificate of Authorization from CDHO.
You can establish a health professional corporation with the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery. Before submitting articles of incorporation to the Ministry, you must ensure that the articles and name of the proposed corporation meet the requirements for a Certificate of Authorization. A dental hygiene professional corporation cannot offer dental hygiene services without a Certificate of Authorization issued by CDHO. You are strongly encouraged to seek professional advice from an accountant or lawyer prior to incorporating.
Applying for a Certificate of Authorization
You may apply for a Certificate of Authorization by completing the application form through the Self-Service Portal. See the Guide to an Application for a Certificate of Authorization for Health Profession Corporations for more information. Fees for applying for a certificate of authorization can be found in the College’s fee schedule.
All directors and shareholders of a professional corporation must complete and submit an undertaking as part of the application for a Certificate of Authorization.
Renewing a Certificate of Authorization
You must renew your Certificate of Authorization by March 1st through the Self-Service Portal. See the Guide to Renewing a Certificate of Authorization for Health Profession Corporations. Fees for renewing a Certification of Authorization can be found in the College’s fee schedule.