Code of Ethics
Providing Accessible Customer ServiceAdvertisingAntibiotic Prophylaxis Regimens for the Prevention of Infective Endocarditis and Hematogenous Joint InfectionBest Practice for Initiating Dental Hygiene CareCulture SensitivityDual Health Care PracticesCheck-Up for Dental and Health History TakingInclusion of Tele-dental in Dental Hygiene PracticesInterprofessional CollaborationOff-Site Storage of RecordsPoint-of-care Risk Assessment (PCRA)Recommending, Prescribing, Dispensing and Selling Drugs in PracticeRestorative Dental HygieneInforming Clients that a Dental Hygienist Is Leaving One Practice and Moving to AnotherPrevention of Sexual Abuse and Maintenance of Professional BoundariesPlacement of Temporary RestorationsUse of Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen Conscious SedationRegistrants’ Handbook